This is the 2nd dedicated entry on the hyped handphone by Apple that apparently every fashionista and well actually everyone wants to own. This phone kills all the other brands big time and will prolly see everyone fling out this phone instead.

Yes, the iPhone 3G is finally out in America and certain parts of the world but yet to our puny stoopid island of Singapore. Being a loyal asswipe to this branding strategy, I have succumb myself to follow the story really closely.

So, the previous post was rather negative. This time it would be better for the worst. Hell yeah, it is wayyy negative.

Alright, I am no fan of Mathematics from A to G(thats what I heard). So take the US currency exchange with Singapore of US$1.35 multiply by the price of a typical 8gb iPhone in the US at $199. That sums up to around $270. Guess what? If you think that is the price that is going to be sold in Singapore think again. Just checked a few very reliable websites and vuala….



As u can see it would be sold at $690. $690 wtf!!!. It is cheaper than the hacked ones but fuck they rip us off the original price by wayyy over 100%. Plus u have to sign up for a miomobile plan which will make usage of the phone and yes ur bill very high. This is shit!. And oni 8gb!!! So that means we’re going to be on the dark side missing out on the WHITE iPhones in 16GB. FYI, NO PRICES FOR WITH PLAN OR WITHOUT PLAN SO ITS FIXED NO MATTER WHAT. GET IT?

Well, the good news is it would be out in September with all the new iPods hopefully just like every year on the same month.